Saturday, June 19, 2010

Managing for High Performance

Change is all about growing and improving the way we do things.  Part of creating a high performance organization requires that you take a reality look how things are currently done.  The art of fierce conversations is an evolving practice — one that must be initiated and repeated on an ongoing basis. In her book Fierce Conversations and Fierce Leadership, Consultant Susan Scott describes four critical goals:
I       Interrogate reality

In business, marketplace realities, technology and global demands shift rapidly — and if you’re like most people, you try to fix the same problems with the same solutions, expecting different results.

If you fail to explore differing realities, you’ll spend an inordinate amount of time mopping up the aftermath of plans torpedoed by people who resent their organizations’ refusal to value their experience, opinions and beliefs.

Regularly interrogate reality. Ask yourself:

·         What has changed?
·         Does the plan still make sense?
·         If not, what’s required of you? Of others?
·         Which realities should be explored before important decisions are made?

2.       Provoke learning

Learning cannot occur in a conversation unless both parties agree to non-judgmental explore all sides of an issue. One common error occurs when you’re entering into a conversation with a fixed agenda, such as trying to persuade someone to alter his or her point of view.

a.       Begin with an open mind and the willingness to step out of judgment mode.
b.      Make a clear and succinct statement that describes the behavior or issue from your point of view.
c.       Proceed with an invitation, such as: “Please tell me what’s going on from where you sit. I want to understand your perspective and learn your thoughts.”
d.      Don’t ruin a conversation by yammering for too long about your own perspective, without giving the other person a chance to respond. Don’t interrupt to voice disagreement. You don’t want the person on the receiving end to tune out or go into defensive mode.
e.      Stop talking and start listening. When necessary, let silence happen.
f.        Facilitate openness by asking questions nonjudgmental.

3.       Tackle tough challenges

To have real conversations, you must be willing to identify and address the relevant issues in a truthful and courageous manner. Ask yourself: “What are the most important issues I should be addressing? Which issues am I avoiding?” Sometimes, this involves problems everyone knows exist, but rarely acknowledge or discuss.

4.       Enrich relationships

Each conversation you have is an opportunity to enhance a relationship. But for many hard-charging and competitive high achievers, conversations are used as opportunities to show off their brilliance and wit.

Fierce conversations are not competitive. Each participant must agree to communicate as an equal.

Conversations must no longer be about you, but centered on others. This requires asking questions and listening with total focus and attention on the other person.

“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.” Anthony Robbins 

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